Newest Cryptocurrencies in 2018!

In the digital world of internet and artificial intelligence, the currency hasn’t been left behind. After the introduction of BitCoin (BTC), the cryptocurrency has grabbed people’s attention like a forest fire. The rate of BitCoin has raised like anything with the start of 2018! However, apart of BitCoin, Ethereum was one of the most widely accepted cryptocurrencies that have been overtaken by BitCoin really well. There has been no recent possibility for Ethereum to achieve the spotlight again, especially when BitCoin has taken over every mind existing.

Well, 2018 has come up with new concepts of the new cryptocurrency, probably exceeding BitCoin. But definitely like BitCoin, all other cryptocurrencies are subject to high risks and volatility.

Following are the newly introduced cryptocurrency this year itself:

  • Litecoin (LTC): Described and created by Charlie Lee as the silver to BitCoin’s gold in 2011, LTC is billed as an alternative to BitCoin. Litecoin is designed to produce more coins — it has an 84 million coin limit, versus BitCoin’s 21 million. About 54 million coins are currently in circulation, versus BitCoin’s current 16.7 million circulating supply.
  • Monero (XMR): Creator being anonymous, Monero’s appeal is its anonymity. With Monero, the details of every transaction, including sender, receiver, and size, are recorded on a public ledger but are obfuscated to reportedly make them untraceable. Use Monero and there’s no way for anyone else to connect the dots between the sender, receiver or size of the transaction. There are about 15.5 million XMR in circulation, and, unlike BitCoin and Litecoin, Monero doesn’t have a fixed coin supply.
  • Neo: Neo has been created by Da Hongfei, CEO of Onchain and Blockchain evangelist in China, along with co-founder Erik Zhang. Neo is predicted to be the “Ethereum of China,” will explode if China eases its stance on ICOs and BitCoin. NEO’s circulating supply is currently at 65 million, out of a total of 100 million coins.
  • Cardano (Ada): The Cardano Blockchain just launched a few months ago and exploded on the scene with massive gains in its coin, called Ada, in November to break into the top 10 cryptocurrency in terms of market cap. Cardano, while still a relative unknown, is apparently big on private transactions as well as responding to the needs of regulators, making it primed for mass adoption. About 26 billion out of a maximum of 45 billion coins are currently in circulation.
  • Ripple (XRP): Ripple, cryptocurrency developed in 2012, is created by Web developer Ryan Fugger, businessman Chris Larsen, and programmer Jed McCaleb. Former BitCoin developers launched software company Ripple in 2012 and its cryptocurrency, XRP, is seen by some industry types as BitCoin’s logical successor. The XRP circulating supply is currently about 38.7 billion out of a maximum supply of 100 billion.
  • Iota (MIOTA): Iota is introduced by David Sønstebø, Sergey Ivancheglo, Dominik Schiener, and Dr. Serguei Popov, a team of entrepreneurs, mathematicians, and developers. Iota’s big draw is that it doesn’t have any trading fees, miners or blocks. It is hailed as the first crypto created without the use of a Blockchain. Instead, it is based on a distributed ledger architecture called “The Tangle”. It has been provided a great boost after its latest partnership with Microsoft. The maximum supply of MIOTA is just under 2.8 billion, and the entire maximum supply is currently in circulation.
  • BitCoin Cash: BitCoin Cash was created by a team of people who forked the BitCoin Blockchain ledger. BitCoin Cash is among the newest of the cryptocurrency, developed in August of 2017 as a hard fork of BitCoin. In mid-November, BitCoin Cash briefly topped Ethereum’s market cap to become the second-most valuable crypto. Its circulating supply is currently at 16.8 million, out of a maximum supply of 21 million.

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