Will the Internet Crash? Here’s What You Should Do

The coronavirus pandemic is everywhere. Markets are stranded, streets are empty, planes are grounded and people are locked down in their homes. Yet, the internet – the lifeline in this need of the hour is still flowing. But the question is, will the internet crash? In a time when most companies have allowed their workforce to do work from home, schools and colleges are looking to video conferencing to provide online classes and people are streaming online video streaming platforms more than ever, the question that will the internet crash is a matter of serious concern. There is a constant fear among each of us that will the internet crash? 

As per the current situation, a surge in the internet users is seen usually between 9 am and 11 am and again during 4p m to 10 pm. So, keeping in mind the question that will the internet crash, Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) has recently urged people of the country to use the internet responsibly. 

But, if you are still feeling the heat due to this sudden overdemand of the internet here’s what you should do to keep up the internet speed while working from home.

Also Read: Tech Companies are Doing their bit to Mitigate Coronavirus Pandemic

Switching Off Microwave Ovens

Britain’s media regulator has advised its people to switch off microwave ovens as they slow wifi signals. Other than this, it also suggested avoiding usage of cordless phones, Bluetooth speakers, halogen lamps, monitors and TVs as they weaken the signal quality if the modem is placed too close to them.

Use Zoom Judiciously

One of the technological platforms that have come into the maximum limelight due to the coronavirus pandemic is Zoom. It is an American video conferencing platform where multiple colleagues can not just do video calls but can also share documents including presentations and spreadsheets. Ever since employees are asked to do work from home, its download has increased to more than 1.5 lakhs per day. Though it is supporting the office work but at the same time, a one-hour conference call uses at least 1 GB of data. So, the question that will the internet crash depends on how responsibly you people are using it.

Get A Stronger Antenna

Another thing which all of you can do to save yourself from the daunting question that will the internet crash is getting a stronger antenna. Most wifi modems are provided with small antennas that are not capable enough to withstand the load. And it is not that manufacturers are saving their penny by giving the smaller one. The problem is, a stronger antenna is usually 10 to 15 inches tall in size. So, as far as you are okay with the size, a powerful antenna will keep you away from the question that will the internet crash.

Buy a Wifi Booster

With the advent of the coronavirus pandemic all around the world, the sudden surge in the demand for internet usage is affecting all of us. The problem could be slow internet speed or frequent broken connectivity issues. Hence, it has kept the industry leaders bewildered with the question that will the internet crash? Every time you are busy doing your work, back of the mind you are thinking will the internet crash? So, you can simply use wifi boosters to protect yourself from such unforeseen circumstances. Wifi boosters do nothing but amplify the strength of the existing signals. They create a second network and are of great help at home.

Also Read: Telcos Urge Online Streaming Platforms to Lower Video Quality To Reduce Network Congestion

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