Why Microsoft Should Delay Windows 10 version 2004 Update?

The coronavirus pandemic has taken a huge toll on the economy. Be it real estate, retail sector, the stock market or even IT sector, everyone is struggling to stand firmly during these tough times. The condition all around the world is so deteriorating that cities are forced to complete lockdown and companies have asked their workforce to do work from home. Microsoft Windows is undoubtedly the most used operating system and in this time of crises, Microsoft is all set to come up with Windows 10 version 2004 update. But with so much on stake, here is why Microsoft should delay Windows 10 version 2004 update?

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It’s All About Priorities

Yeah, it is true that the engineers at Microsoft have worked really hard on the update for last more than a year. But, in a time when the entire world is forced to sit at home and do their jobs remotely, Microsoft should delay Windows 10 version 2004 update. It is not just about the smaller companies, in fact, Windows 10 version 2004 update will definitely hamper the productivity of even those working in organisations like Facebook and Google. Once the update is downloaded, it will surely pop up bugs once in a while which will add up in reduced productivity and effectiveness.

What About the Bandwidth?

Another reason why Microsoft should delay Windows 10 version 2004 update is the bandwidth it will consume. With the update comes the speed it will consume to download. However, Microsoft has claimed that updates should go directly to the internet and not through the VPN. The company said that the At Microsoft, a recommended approach is used to configure VPN internally. In this approach, the VPN client is configured to send traffic bound only for the on-premises corporate resources through the VPN connection. It will allow all other traffic to directly move to the Internet and route as per the requirement. Also, Microsoft should delay Windows 10 version 2004 update because it is in gigabytes. This will impact the connectivity between on-premise infrastructure in the company and those working at home.

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Add More Features in Between

There is nothing wrong in postponing the delay for a short while. Microsoft should delay Windows 10 version 2004 update as, during all this time, it can think of adding more features and functionalities that are still in the pipeline. There are many features that were in the process of development but were never able to see the light. Be it the testing of 2019 updates, 20H1 or 2020, there are many things on which the company can work to come up with a better Windows 10 version 2004 update. Also, Microsoft can work on one thing which users want desperately to do, single annual update. 

So, it is because of these facts that Microsoft should delay Windows 10 version 2004 update.

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