Salesforce Lightning or Salesforce Classic: Which Framework to Choose for App Development

Salesforce Lightning or Salesforce Classic:

Salesforce Lightning or Salesforce Classic:

Salesforce is one of those companies that hardly needs any introduction when it comes to finding a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) company. Its reviews and the fact that it always remains in demand are well enough to tell how popular it is in masses. Change is the need of the hour and hence, it is necessary to come up with new updates and features to match customer’s expectations and their ever-changing requirements. Salesforce Lightning and Salesforce Classic are two terminologies that are the results of these changes. But, which framework to choose for app development, Salesforce Lightning or Salesforce Classic? Well, we will find the answer by the end of this post from Quarks.

Before we begin, it is important to know what these technologies are.

What is Salesforce Lightning and Salesforce Classic?

Salesforce Lightning is a framework that is based on components which are used by programmers for the app development through It is one such platform which provides cutting-edge tools capable to build contemporary UI and UX designs in Salesforce. On the other hand, Salesforce Classic is a backdated version of Salesforce Lightning. 

Salesforce Lightning or Salesforce Classic: Which Framework to Choose for App Development

Just because someone has said Salesforce Lightning is better than Salesforce Classic, you cannot pick it and vice versa. So, when it comes to take the final call between Salesforce Lightning or Salesforce Classic, the more convenient is to talk about the facts.

Comfortable User Interface

One of the biggest changes done by in its new version, Salesforce Lightning is on the home page which has now become enticing and informative at the same time. Elements, such as performance chart, key accounts and news on key accounts are included in Salesforce Lightning. The user experience is better and the pages in Salesforce Lightning are convenient and easy to navigate than Salesforce Classic.

Improved Reporting Process

Salesforce Lightning comes with Lightning Report Builder tool. It allows users to create improved report charts by implementing row-level formulas. When viewing a report, users can now apply advance interacting filters for refined search results. Another thing that should be considered while choosing Salesforce Lightning or Salesforce Classic is the fact that Lighting provides Einstein (Wave) Analytics reporting. Due to this, users can apply Einstein AI features, such as Einstein opportunity insights, Einstein automated contacts and Einstein forecasting.  

Enhanced Security Features

While making a choice between Salesforce Lightning or Salesforce Classic, users should know that Salesforce Lightning offers locker service and security measures like Content Security Policy (CSP) that helps in mitigating cross-site scripting. 

Does Salesforce Lightning is Expensive?

So now, when we know that Salesforce Lightning is far better between Salesforce Lightning or Salesforce Classic, the biggest question that must be hovering over your head must be, is it expensive than Salesforce Classic? Well, the answer is NO. The interface cost in Lightning is similar to Classic. The existing users can switch to Salesforce Lightning without giving any charges for the new license. However, if you want to migrate to Salesforce Lightning, you will have to pay some additional cost. 

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